Production: IPL, ESAAIX and PES partners. Outside collaboration with the GIS.

Data storage, mapping, communication and dissemination.

Collaboration of PES_CE partners and artists. The IPL team plus a representative of each partner.

All actions are promoted on the PES_CE website and social networks, through the book and magazine to be published, and in exhibitions and events organised all along the three years of the project.

Website about the PES_CE aim, programme and results. Database for disseminating artists’ portfolio, enchanting artists mobility. GIS mapping PES actions.


Production: ESAAIX with PES_CE and other partners and guests.

ESAAIX research magazine about art, agriculture and biodiversity, rural and urban design.

Launch of an issue of the ESAAIX research review Mésozoaire (Laboratoire Locus Sonus Vitae) featuring work produced at the PES_CE
About 20 artists and researchers working between art and ecology.


Museu da Paisagem (IPL) with Artists, PES_CE partners and guests

Book publication about the 3 years project.
PES-CE actions reviewed and commented.
Artists and researchers that collaborate with the PES_EC on issues such as art and ecology, agriculture and biodiversity rural and urban.
Lisboa / Museu da Paisagem (IPL) edition, January 2026
Book about the PES_CE network: mission and ambition, methodologies and results.

The general purpose of the Project is to anticipate possible developments.
Potential European partners proposals will be discussed with a view to continuing the project after 2026. In this way we
ll increase the chances of artists, cultural agents, students and the general public to meet.